March 25, 2011: If you’re new to the blog, well, welcome…
I advise you to go to the Read First page and after that, you’re free to rock and roll.
If you’re not new here, it means that everything you’re looking at right now is not the way it used to be.
But don’t be too confused, not much has changed, except for the way the blog looks and the web address (don’t forget to update your bookmarks, it’s now).
There will be a few more changes along the way, but that’s a surprise.
Also, because the place is new, there must be broken things here and there. If you notice a broken link something that is acting odd or anything else that is not “normal”, do not hesitate to contact me. Oh look, there’s even a Contact page now!
And, as nothing is set in stone, if there’s a new feature you really hate, tell me, I may be in a good mood and listen to you.
Same thing goes if you have a great idea about something I should add.