Apr 212010

(asked by Jen, from… somewhere, possibly somewhere in Asia) Jen -the previous asker- actually had three questions, but instead of bundling them up in one entry, I’m separating them into three. Here is the second one: Another thing is… do French men don’t relate ‘marriage’ with ‘sex’? I am married (though my husband didn’t come to Paris with me) and my two French friends knew it, but both did try (individually and in different occasion of course) to suggest for [Read the rest]

Apr 072009

(asked by anonymous (I wonder why) from Dublin) I met a Frenchman when he was here for one week in Dublin, Ireland learning English. We went on date to dinner and kissed afterwards. I slept with him that night and he went home. We texted regularly and he came back to see me for 2 weeks a month later. He is divorced with two children, ex-French navy. We still text and email each other and he has asked me to [Read the rest]