May 102009

(asked by db from??? Maybe it’s the same David B than previously) I would like to know your opinion on France’s role in Algeria during the 1950s (actually during Algeria’s war for independence), as well as their previous occupation of the country since about 1860 and Napoleon III. (…) I feel like there’s enough America bashing for the moment, I’d like to see some France bashing too (although you did say that history books and teaching programs are biased the [Read the rest]

Oct 092008

The second part of the answer addresses the fact that Americans love to make fun of France for losing wars.And the fact that it actually tells more about Americans relationship to wars than French people’s. First, as it has been mentioned in the comments of the first part, this stereotype almost always comes from uneducated rednecks (should I dare add Republicans to the package?) and by the way, David L. from Miami is not one of them, I know him, [Read the rest]

Oct 042008

(asked by David L. from Miami) Why do the French suck at war? And winning things in general? (World Cup ’98 does not count because I’m pretty certain Ronaldo was paid off.)” Ah, the war question!Of all the stupid stereotypes about France, I think this is the worst of all.For two reasons:-1st it’s simply not true.-2nd it tells a lot about how Americans see wars and that’s not a pretty sight and explains a lot in the history if the [Read the rest]